Tuesday, June 23, 2020

College Admissions Essay Package

College Admissions Essay Package November 19, 2013 Email brian@theivycoach.com with the college essay questions (include their word counts) that youll need help with or simply list the schools. Well then be able to let you know our fee. Are you interested in our College Admissions Essay Package? If youre a senior applying Regular Decision or the parent of a senior with upcoming deadlines, we at Ivy Coach are available to help you make your college admissions essays shine for admissions officers at highly selective colleges. We so often hear from parents who reach out to us that their child has finished his essays and he doesnt need help with them. That, of course, elicits a (secret) eye roll from us because in the years weve worked in this business, we can recall only one essay that we thought was outstanding and worthy of submission before we worked with the student on it. You know how if you poll American high school grads, many cant say which country the United States fought in the Revolutionary War? Or they wont know if Abraham Lincoln led the North or South in the Civil War? Well, to put this in perspective, thats how we feel about 99% of college essays that are submitted each and every year to highly selective colleges. The vast majority are absolutely, positively terrible. Dreadful in fact. From honoring a dead grandfather in an essay (thats nice that you want to pay tribute to grandpa but college admissions officers at highly selective colleges want to learn about you not grandpa) to sports essays (we never guessed you were going to come back to win that race after falling behind on the first lap!) to community service essays in Third World countries (you can afford to travel to Chile and live there for three months how amazing that you can have that experience), its not original. Its not inspiring. And it wont move highly selective college ad missions officers to want to go to bat for you (or your child). The finished products of the college essays that we help our students with move admissions officers. They make admissions officers want to fight for their candidacy, which is what any good college essay should but so rarely does. If you are interested in our College Admissions Essay Package, simply email brian@theivycoach.com. Brian has been our chief essay specialist at Ivy Coach for over a decade. Include the essays as well as word counts you need help with or the names of the schools for which youll need help with the essays. And, by the way, do you know how we know the essays we work on with our students are good? Because when one of our students writes an essay about a rubber-band ball, a ton of rubber-bands are included in the envelope from admissions. All different colors, too. When a student applies to a highly selective college after being kicked out of a military academy because of Dont Ask, Dont Tell, the dean of admissions at that school takes him aside at a meeting of transfers and says to him, In my many years of working here, yours is the finest essay Ive read. We are so proud to have you with us here.